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Haitian-American Patrick Gaspard to Be White House Political Director

The Daily News broke the story that Patrick Gaspard will take over the White House political office that really got a bad name when Karl Rove presided over its operations. Once I learned that Patrick  had been tapped to be Obama’s National Political Director during the campaign, there was never any doubt in my mind that his leave from SEIU Local 1199 would be permanent and that he would end up working for the Obama Administration if the Illinois Senator won the elections. Congratulations are in order for a young man  who has achieved much and deserves much. Times have indeed changed in America. You can read the story below.

Gaspard To Be Obama’s Political Director

November 21, 2008

While we wait for the official announcement on Hillary Clinton, we can we certain that at least one New York Democrat is definitely going to work in the Obama White House.

patrick gaspard

According to a well-informed source, Patrick Gaspard, political director of 1199 SEIU, broke the news to the union today that the leave of absence he took back in June to be Barack Obama’s campaign political director has turned into something more permanent.

It will soon be announced that Gaspard, who has been serving as the associate personnel director for Obama’s transition team, will be Obama’s White House political director.

That post has been under fire during Bush’s tenure given the lightning-rod tendencies of its former occupant, Karl Rove, and Rep. Henry Waxman, (soon to be former) chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has called for it to be abolished altogether.

Just this morning, another Republican who once held the political director’s job, Ed Rollins, penned a defense of it in a Times OpEd.

Gaspard is a veteran operative in New York Democratic politics. He got his start when Jesse Jackson ran for president in 1988 (that’s where he met former 1199 President Dennis Rivera) and since then has worked on numerous campaigns and on staff for several elected officials, including former Mayor David Dinkins.

Gaspard is the second political director to depart 1199 in less than two years. His predecessor, Jennifer Cunningham, left in January 2007 to join KnickerbockerSKD. She’s also of-counsel at Cordo & Company, an Albany-based lobbying firm.

This leaves the union in a bit of a lurch at a time when it is gearing up to fight a difficult state budget battle. Gov. David Paterson has already proposed deep health care cuts, much to the union’s chagrin.

Gaspard has been keeping his hand in New York politics despite the fact that he has been otherwise occupied with the Obama campaign/transition. He worked behind the scenes on the term limits fight and was integral in the union’s decision to come out against Mayor Bloomberg’s (eventually successful) effort to change the rules so he can run for re-election next fall.

The Daily Politics – NY Daily News

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17 Responses

  1. Congratulations to P. Gaspard. Keep the president focus on Haiti — in a postitive manner for your homeland.

  2. Compliments.  Nous sommes fiers de toi. Que Dieu te protege dans ta mission.

  3. Congratulations!!! Patrick Gaspard, Jesus be witht you and president Obama in whatever decision you are making. Remember  to invite Him in all of them He is in control.

  4. Congratulations!!! I am very happy for you. May God be with you and help you in whatever decision you are making.

  5.           I’m verry happy for you BROTHER, COMPATRIOT. I’m in HAITI.
              May GOD help you to make all things very well. Whatever you do, whenever you are, never forget GOD is allways there and you have to invite  HIM and you will prosper. Also, never forget where are you come from.
             Again GOD bless you and HE is with you !   

  6. Whoever said you have to be an american born citizen to achieve greatness was wrong. You just have to be a hard working citizen.
    Congratulations my brother!!!

  7. Je respire deja l’air du changement! Mes felicitations, Patrick Gaspard!  Vous devez etre fier de tous les sacrifices que vous avez faits et les efforts que vous avez deployes pour arriver a une telle position. Votre presence dans la Maison Blanche reflete l’image du peuple Haitien. Que Dieu vous benisse et vous aide a penser a notre chere Haiti!

  8. Quand je vois des compatriotes comme vous triompher professionellement, cela me remplit de fierté. J’espère que les Haitiens doivent prendre de la situation en Haiti et aider a le remettre sur pied avec l’aide étrangère et surtout l’aide d’une personne comme vous.
    Je vous souhaite tout le succès possible!

  9. Cher Patrick deux mots S’ il vous plait?  HAITI/HAITI

  10. My sincere congratulations on your appointment in President Elect Obama’s Administration. As a Haitian American Community Organizer in West Palm Beach, Florida, I am proud of your accomplishments. Thank you for furthering the inclusion of Haitian Americans into the forefront of American affairs.

    Jean-Joseph Lexima


  12. Je couronne tes succès et te souhaite une santé merveilleux pour qu’avec beaucoup de courage et de détermination tu réussisses d’advantege. Pour notre peuple, la seule chose que j’aimerais que tu souffles à l’oreille du President- que nous les haitiens aiment comme un père- est de lui demander d’enlever l’embargo de $500/par mois qu’un haitien peut envoyer officiellement comme aide à sa famille en Haiti par voie de transfert. Il n’est pas ainsi pour les autres peuples de l’Amérique Latine. Stop. Tout le reste viendra après. Merci. Longévité et bonheur à toi et à ta famille et, aussi à la famille Présidentielle. Merci.  

  13. Tous mes compliments!
    Keep up the fight advocating for ordinary & poor individuals!

  14. Felicitations!
    I am glad you were involved with the campaign. I look forward to all the creative ideas this new administration
    will use to help this country and the world. I will pray for the administration daily.

  15. When Obama won, I sent him (on what initiatives I was interested in seeing him take on. Two of those initiatives are: 1) to end poverty in Haiti and 2) restore human rights for the Haitian people in Haiti. I believe that education is the most important building block in those two initiatives. I hope Gaspard will take the lead in helping Haitians bring change to Haiti. Congratulations Gaspard! We are proud of you.

  16. Compliments!

  17. congratulation Gaspard….