Baby Doc is Dead, Duvalierism Lives On
In October 1986, the National Coalition for Haitian Refugees (NCHR) and Americas Watch (a division of Human Rights Watch) released a report on human rights conditions in Haiti. Entitled Duvalierism Since Duvalier, the report chronicled the lack of progress made in distancing Haiti from a disastrous 29-year past fashioned by the Duvaliers (père et fils)… Read More ›

Haiti: It Started with a Bang…
It Ended in a Whimper 504 Days Later… Two hundred ten (210) years ago, Slaves and Freedmen who fought against France’s grip on the colony of Saint-Domingue and defeated its troops in a military campaign worthy of the most epic battles in recorded history seceded from the Empire and declared their independence. Haiti was born… Read More ›

The Duvalier Case: What Is at Stake at the Court of Appeals
The Collectif contre l’impunité, a coalition of several Haitian human rights groups and advocates, released the following statement on the court proceedings to date regarding Jean-Claude Duvalier standing for trial in Haiti today. Port-au-Prince, February 27, 2013 — On Thursday February 28 at 10 am, the Court of Appeal will hold its next hearing on… Read More ›

Another day of reckoning for Jean Claude Duvalier?
In a crowded and chaotic courtroom in Port-au-Prince Haiti on January 31, the main character in the drama was nowhere to be found. Ex-President –for- Life Jean Claude Duvalier had failed to appear for a hearing to determine whether charges that he was responsible for crimes against humanity could proceed. The presiding judge postponed the… Read More ›

Will Duvalier’s Victims Have Their Day in Court?
The Court of appeal will hear Jean-Claude Duvalier on 7 February 2013 The Collective against impunity wishes to inform Haitian civil society and the international community that a hearing will take place at 10:00 am, at the Court of appeal of Port-au-Prince on Thursday February 7, 2013, (commemorative date of the fall of Duvalier in… Read More ›

Will Duvalier Regain Access to Illicit Funds Pilfered from the Haitian Treasury?
Jean-Claude Duvalier is scheduled to appear in court on February 7, 2013 which falls on the 25th anniversary of his forced ouster from power. At issue before the court is whether or not he will be found guilty of pilfering State coffers when he ran Haiti as a 3rd world despot. Duvalier has been exonerated… Read More ›

My Homeland Has Collapsed
Haiti one year later By the time the clock hit 10:00 am on November 28 [1987], everyone knew that the scheduled elections were in trouble. The ruling regime had used just about every tool in its arsenal to ensure it remained in firm control of the reins of power, including voter intimidation, violent attacks against… Read More ›

Psst… Want to Win an Internet Poll?
Polling done well and by credible organizations with high standards can provide a good idea of the public stand at a point in time vis-a-vis an issue or support for a candidate. Not so with the internet polls that are being conducted to measure the popularity of the 19 candidates vying for the presidency of… Read More ›

Looking Back at Haiti Elections 5 Years Ago
In November 2005, as Executive Director of the National Coalition for Haitian Rights, I released a report on Haiti entitled “Haiti: Lurching Towards 2006.” The report raised several questions, notably about the viability of elections and prospects of nation-building, all of which remain as relevant today as they were five years albeit in an even… Read More ›

Five months after a devastating earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, leading to the deaths of approximately 230,000 people and the displacement of millions, there are worrisome signs that the rebuilding process in Haiti has stalled. Haiti is at a significant crossroads, with limited time to enact key policies and programs that will allow the country to build a more sustainable and prosperous future.
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