Tag Archive for ‘ban ki-moon’

Haiti Prime Minister: Time for a New Paradigm
DONORS’ CONFERENCE Washington, D.C., April 14, 2009 Michèle Duvivier PIERRE-LOUIS Prime Minister of Haiti I would like to begin by thanking all those who have made this conference possible. I want to extend special thanks to President Moreno who has agreed to host this gathering, which publicized its importance and mobilized the Inter-American Development Bank’s… Read More ›

Haiti Seeks “New Paradigm of Cooperation”
At a meeting of donors in Washington, DC, Haitian government leaders will seek to establish a “new paradigm of cooperation.” Why? In spite of the manifest good will and the continued work on both parts, the Government does not fine in the provided aid the necessary resources to execute its program of action in favor… Read More ›

Turning Haiti Around
As noted in previous posts, Paul Collier’s name is becoming more common in Haiti’s elite and international circles. Why? His recent proposal for turning Haiti around has been heralded by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon as Haiti’s last best hope. President René Préval used the occasion of a recent visit to the US to talk up… Read More ›

Haiti on the Big Stage in NY and Washington
On April 13 and 14, international and bilateral donors will meet at the headquarters of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to announce a major assistance package for Haiti. The donors meeting should have been held a year ago. But about this time last year, protests over the scarcity and high cost of food spread from… Read More ›

Haiti: From Natural Catastrophe to Economic Security
A Report for the Secretary-General of the United Nations Paul Collier Department of Economics Oxford University December 27th, 2008 N.B. We publish in its entirety the findings and recommendations of Professor Paul Collier, following a brief visit to Haiti in December 2008 to assess prospects for economic development. The author of “The Bottom Billion,” visited… Read More ›
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