Tag Archive for ‘education’
I am Haiti too!
Six months of meticulous research, planning, preparation, coordination, partnerships and team building led to an exceptionally well-organized and fruitful conference under the able hands of the Jean Robert Cadet Restavec Foundation and The Maurice Sixto Foundation.

Our climb will be even steeper than expected
The most memorable sentence in Barack Obama’s speech on election night in Chicago is the following: “Our climb will be steep.” Then, it appeared that in deference to the Reverend Martin Luther King and all the civil rights leaders who preceded him and made possible his victory at the polls, Obama meant to say that though he’s reached the mountaintop there were still miles to go before we all rose to the top.

Haiti: The Phantom State Strikes Again
The Haitian state has consistently failed to provide basic minimum standards of safety, including access to food, clean water, safe roads and buildings, along with adequate schooling and health care. One of my Haitian friends says that Haiti is not a failed state, rather it is a “phantom state.” Yet this phantom is fatal.

Free the Child, Emancipate the Mind
Sign a petition addressed to the Haitian authorities and their international allies and calling for the elimination of child slavery in Haiti for good.
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