Tag Archive for ‘elections’

Immigration: Waiting for Godot Need Not Be Policy
Shortly after the 2014 elections, President Barak Obama made good on his promise to implement several temporary measures to protect certain categories of immigrants from deportation had Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) been signed into law. He expanded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and created the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and… Read More ›

Human Rights in Haiti in the Manigat Era
Michael S. Hooper and Jocelyn McCalla Leslie F. Manigat died on June 27, 2014 at the age of 83. Elevated to the presidency of Haiti via army-backed sham elections in January 1988, Manigat was forcibly removed from office about four months later by the very leaders who had put him there. Haitians generally considered… Read More ›

My Homeland Has Collapsed
Haiti one year later By the time the clock hit 10:00 am on November 28 [1987], everyone knew that the scheduled elections were in trouble. The ruling regime had used just about every tool in its arsenal to ensure it remained in firm control of the reins of power, including voter intimidation, violent attacks against… Read More ›

Psst… Want to Win an Internet Poll?
Polling done well and by credible organizations with high standards can provide a good idea of the public stand at a point in time vis-a-vis an issue or support for a candidate. Not so with the internet polls that are being conducted to measure the popularity of the 19 candidates vying for the presidency of… Read More ›

Looking Back at Haiti Elections 5 Years Ago
In November 2005, as Executive Director of the National Coalition for Haitian Rights, I released a report on Haiti entitled “Haiti: Lurching Towards 2006.” The report raised several questions, notably about the viability of elections and prospects of nation-building, all of which remain as relevant today as they were five years albeit in an even… Read More ›

Haiti on the Big Stage in NY and Washington
On April 13 and 14, international and bilateral donors will meet at the headquarters of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to announce a major assistance package for Haiti. The donors meeting should have been held a year ago. But about this time last year, protests over the scarcity and high cost of food spread from… Read More ›

Eureka: Haiti Has a New Government!
It’s official! The curtain has come down on Act III: Michèle Pierre-Louis is now officially the Honorable Prime Minister of Haiti. It took 146 days for the Honorable Members of the Haitian Parliament and His Excellency René Préval to come to an agreement on a new leader
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