Tag Archive for ‘haiti’

Free the Child, Emancipate the Mind
Sign a petition addressed to the Haitian authorities and their international allies and calling for the elimination of child slavery in Haiti for good.

What if Haitian Athletes Defected in China?
Ten athletes are competing in the Beijing Olympics under the Haitian flag. They are in a country that has leaped ahead in last 60 years while Haiti remains saddled with a political economy and mindset that has barely moved away from the day it gained independance.

Let’s Really Put a Stop to Child Slavery in Haiti!
Modern-day child slavery reigns supreme in Haiti where slaves successfully broke their chains and established an independent republic freed of French colonialism and declared themselves the equals of all men regardless of race, or color. The time has come to eliminate the restavek system as child slavery is known in Haiti.

Haiti: Act III, Scene 1? Check! Scene 2? Still in Development
The lower house of the Haitian Parliament voted by a landslide to approve Michele Pierre-Louis’ nomination as Prime Minister. The nomination had appeared destined for failure when questions about the non-profit leader’s moral core arose and became the subject of an intense political debate. Early supporters of the nominee abstained, fearing that their parties would be cast aside when time came to divide up the spoils of power.
Love is… just a feeling?
You and millions of others just like you have asked themselves this very question through the ages. No wonder, since some people are madly in love, others are obsessed with love, and still others are dying for love. The feeling, if that’s what it is, has inspired many to express themselves through the arts, be it plays, romance novels, dramas, music or poetry.

Haiti: Still No End to Act III
Fourteen days from today, Haitians will be commemorating the 93rd anniversary of the landing by American marines in Haiti ostensibly to restore order. The marines quickly took control of the affairs of the country, staying 19 years to remake Haiti in their own image. They left in 1934, after President Franklin Delano Roosevelt decided that… Read More ›

A Weak Strategy Can Deal You a Bad Hand
In Act 3 of Haiti’s political crisis, Préval’s opponents have seized on the nomination of Michele Pierre-Louis to the post of Prime Minister to launch a full-scale assault on Pierre-Louis’ sexual orientation, moral core and fitness for the position. Her supporters have issued a petition which can fall on dead ears because it is addressed to no one in particular.

Haiti: Unintended Obama Faux Pas?
In a May 23, 2008 speech before the Cuban-American National Foundation, Senator Barak Obama vowed to pursue a Roosevelt-style aggressive policy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Wasn’t Franklin Delano Rosevelt Assistant-Secretary of the Navy when the US marines landed in Haiti in 1915? Did he not boast of rewriting the Haitian Constitution to fit US policy goals? Is this a faux pas that will dull Obama’s shine among Haitians and others?

In Memoriam: Ira Gollobin, a Haitian Refugee’s Best Friend Since 1972
Ira Gollobin. I will say it again: IRA GOLLOBIN… I will spell it out for you: I-R-A G-O-L-L-O-B-I-N. Does the name ring a bell? If it does not, it should. And if you are among the people who today seek wisdom and guidance because you are trying to make sense of the world and its… Read More ›

Can Haitians Stop Talking Past Each Other?
It has been a bit over two months since the government of Haiti fell. What do you mean the government fell, say you? Isn’t Rene Preval still President of Haiti? Yes, indeed. Mr. Preval is still the head of state. And yes, the government fell, but this time just as contemplated by the Constitution that… Read More ›
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