Tag Archive for ‘nchr’

Baby Doc is Dead, Duvalierism Lives On
In October 1986, the National Coalition for Haitian Refugees (NCHR) and Americas Watch (a division of Human Rights Watch) released a report on human rights conditions in Haiti. Entitled Duvalierism Since Duvalier, the report chronicled the lack of progress made in distancing Haiti from a disastrous 29-year past fashioned by the Duvaliers (père et fils)… Read More ›

Human Rights in Haiti in the Manigat Era
Michael S. Hooper and Jocelyn McCalla Leslie F. Manigat died on June 27, 2014 at the age of 83. Elevated to the presidency of Haiti via army-backed sham elections in January 1988, Manigat was forcibly removed from office about four months later by the very leaders who had put him there. Haitians generally considered… Read More ›

Dealing With Statelessness in the Dominican Republic
In September 2013, the Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic (DR) reaffirmed a long-standing policy of denying citizenship rights to Dominicans born primarily of Haitian immigrant parents. The ruling, the Court said, was not subject to appeals: it had the final say in the matter. Furthermore it ordered the Dominican Government to go through citizenship… Read More ›

Will Internationalism be the new US Mantra?
The United States will no longer shun the United Nations Human Rights Council. The Obama Administration announced today that it will seek a seat on the Council. More importantly, according to the Washington Post, New Zealand has offered to step aside in order to ensure that should the US bid for a seat on the… Read More ›

Let’s Really Put a Stop to Child Slavery in Haiti!
Modern-day child slavery reigns supreme in Haiti where slaves successfully broke their chains and established an independent republic freed of French colonialism and declared themselves the equals of all men regardless of race, or color. The time has come to eliminate the restavek system as child slavery is known in Haiti.
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