Tag Archive for ‘Obama’

Immigration: Waiting for Godot Need Not Be Policy
Shortly after the 2014 elections, President Barak Obama made good on his promise to implement several temporary measures to protect certain categories of immigrants from deportation had Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) been signed into law. He expanded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and created the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and… Read More ›

Washington Post Profiles Patrick Gaspard
Gaspard, the highest-ranking Haitian American in the Obama administration, has quietly assumed the role of liaison to distraught Haitian American leaders, even as his job requires him to focus on Tuesday’s crucial Massachusetts special election, upon which hangs President Obama’s health-care overhaul and much of the domestic agenda for the foreseeable future. …. Gaspard, a… Read More ›

Obama: Borders First, Legalization Second?
President Barack Obama reaffirmed his commitment to comprehensive immigration reform at the press conference marking his first 100 days in office. He laid out the case for legalization in a forthright manner, stating that a broken immigration system is: "not good for American workers. It’s dangerous for Mexican would-be workers who are trying to cross… Read More ›

New York City Council Adopts Unanimously Resolution Urging TPS for Haitians
The New York City Council adopted by a vote of 51-0 a resolution urging Congress to pass legislation granting Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Haitian nationals in the United States. The unanimous vote in favor of Resolution 1595, introduced by Haitian-American Council member Mathieu Eugene, is the latest to reflect a growing sentiment across the… Read More ›
Secretary Clinton: “Haiti is on a brink”
Why should countries in the Western Hemisphere, Europe, the Middle East and Asia offer assistance to Haiti in the midst of a global economic downturn (inaudible)? Because what happens in Haiti affects far beyond the Caribbean and even the region. This small nation of 9 million people is on a brink. It is on a brink of either moving forward with the help of the collective community or falling further back. And it, as well as this region, will be shaped to a large extent by the decisions that we make.

Biden Spills the Beans
Not a good time to push immigration reform. They say that you can always count on Joe Biden to speak his mind, or to go off-script as he holds court on one issue or another. Well today in Costa Rica, the Vice-President spoke words that are sure to send a cold sweat down the back… Read More ›

Obama Grants TPS to… Liberians
What about the Haitians? President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order on March 20, extending the temporary stay in the US of an estimated 3,500 Liberians for another 12 months. Their current stay of deportation would have expired in about 10 days on March 31st, 2009 and would have subjected them to deportation. Liberians breathed a… Read More ›

Will Obama grant TPS to Haitian Immigrants?
The word on the street is that President Barack Obama is seriously weighing whether or not to reverse the Bush Administration’s decision to not grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Haitian immigrants living semi-openly in the US. Patrick Gaspard, the White House Director for Political Affairs, recently made a quick trip to Miami to confer with advocates for the Haitians and communicate the Administration’s concerns. How did we get there and will Obama do right by the Haitians?

Ella Baker: A Political Organizer’s Organizer
Baker, born on December 13, 1903 died in New York City on December 13, 1986. During the Great Depression, she became involved with the Young Negroes Cooperative League. Afterwards, she joined the NAACP, but jumped at the chance of working with the SCLC at its inception. Baker was instrumental at helping to establish the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) — from which Congressman John Lewis emerged to become a leader –, and the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.
What was her philosophy and from which principles did she draw strength from?

What Haitian Leaders Should Take Away from Obama’s Inaugural Speech
In his inaugural speech on January 20, Barack Obama addressed mainly the expectations of the American people, but he had a few choice words for allies and foes abroad. What should Haitian leaders take away from his words? Two things: a warning and a promise.
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