Tag Archive for ‘Preval’

My Homeland Has Collapsed
Haiti one year later By the time the clock hit 10:00 am on November 28 [1987], everyone knew that the scheduled elections were in trouble. The ruling regime had used just about every tool in its arsenal to ensure it remained in firm control of the reins of power, including voter intimidation, violent attacks against… Read More ›

Psst… Want to Win an Internet Poll?
Polling done well and by credible organizations with high standards can provide a good idea of the public stand at a point in time vis-a-vis an issue or support for a candidate. Not so with the internet polls that are being conducted to measure the popularity of the 19 candidates vying for the presidency of… Read More ›

Looking Back at Haiti Elections 5 Years Ago
In November 2005, as Executive Director of the National Coalition for Haitian Rights, I released a report on Haiti entitled “Haiti: Lurching Towards 2006.” The report raised several questions, notably about the viability of elections and prospects of nation-building, all of which remain as relevant today as they were five years albeit in an even… Read More ›

Five months after a devastating earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, leading to the deaths of approximately 230,000 people and the displacement of millions, there are worrisome signs that the rebuilding process in Haiti has stalled. Haiti is at a significant crossroads, with limited time to enact key policies and programs that will allow the country to build a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Apocalypse revisits Haiti
Damage to the Country’s Political and Economic Infrastructure Enormous, Yet Haiti Can Rise Again from the Rubble Statement of Haitian-Americans United for Progress, reprinted with permission from www.haupinc.org New York, January 14, 2009 – Haiti suffered a major blow when a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Port-au-Prince, the capital city and several other cities to south… Read More ›

Turning Haiti Around
As noted in previous posts, Paul Collier’s name is becoming more common in Haiti’s elite and international circles. Why? His recent proposal for turning Haiti around has been heralded by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon as Haiti’s last best hope. President René Préval used the occasion of a recent visit to the US to talk up… Read More ›

Haiti: From Natural Catastrophe to Economic Security
A Report for the Secretary-General of the United Nations Paul Collier Department of Economics Oxford University December 27th, 2008 N.B. We publish in its entirety the findings and recommendations of Professor Paul Collier, following a brief visit to Haiti in December 2008 to assess prospects for economic development. The author of “The Bottom Billion,” visited… Read More ›

Ambassador Rice: Haiti is at the Crossroads
How many times have you heard that Haiti was at the crossroads of opportunity and despair? Forget it: no answers need be provided. Far too many people have said it far too many times (including this writer), yet opportunities at these crossroads have come and gone. And Haiti has become worse, not better. Outfitted with… Read More ›

Bush to Haitians: Nyet on TPS
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff dispatched a letter to President René Préval of Haiti telling him that after carefully considering his request for the granting of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haitians living under the color of law in the United States, he would deny it. Chertoff signed the letter on December 19, but the letter was not sent to Haiti until 11 days later on December 30, according to reliable sources.

ANALYSIS-Deadly storms a big setback for impoverished Haiti | Reuters.com
The sight of the Haitian port city of Gonaives sitting in a slick of polluted water is only the most visible symbol of the damage done to the Caribbean nation of 9 million by four consecutive storms this summer.
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