Tag Archive for ‘relief’

My Homeland Has Collapsed
Haiti one year later By the time the clock hit 10:00 am on November 28 [1987], everyone knew that the scheduled elections were in trouble. The ruling regime had used just about every tool in its arsenal to ensure it remained in firm control of the reins of power, including voter intimidation, violent attacks against… Read More ›

Apocalypse revisits Haiti
Damage to the Country’s Political and Economic Infrastructure Enormous, Yet Haiti Can Rise Again from the Rubble Statement of Haitian-Americans United for Progress, reprinted with permission from www.haupinc.org New York, January 14, 2009 – Haiti suffered a major blow when a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Port-au-Prince, the capital city and several other cities to south… Read More ›

Haiti Quake: A Personal Note and a Professional Request
Dear Friends, Since the magnitude 7.4 earthquake hit Haiti with devastating force, many have expressed sorrow for the dead, and the physically and the emotionally traumatized. They have also asked themselves what can be done for immediate relatives and friends as well as for the country as a whole. Many have been shocked into paralysis,… Read More ›

What do we do as individuals in response to distress calls?
I have been in communications with many friends and colleagues who naturally wanted to spring into action at the news that Haiti had indeed weathered great damage following the battering by tropical storms Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike. As in 2004, Gonaives became a muddy lake that trapped more than 250,000 people in a deathly grip.

Hello, Tamara… Please Don’t Let Me Down!
Fond des Blancs activists Canes and Marie-Therese Maignan who have been involved with the county’s children’s rights committee have been deeply affected by the storms that battered Haiti in the country’s south. It’s hard to imagine that a worse fate could have fallen onto their shoulders as they were barely unable to make ends meet while struggling for social change in their community.
In flooded Haitian city, `Every home is a shelter’ – 09/11/2008 – MiamiHerald.com
In flooded Haitian city, `Every home is a shelter’ Posted on Thu, Sep. 11, 2008 Associated Press ARIANA CUBILLOS/AP PHOTO A woman reacts as flood victims line up to received food from UN peacekeepers in Gonaives, Haiti, Thursday » More Photos GONAIVES, Haiti — In a cathedral surrounded by mud and flood waters, the 34-year-old… Read More ›

In an Emergency, Stick to the Cuny Principles
Fred Cuny was a disaster relief professional who specialized in out-of-the-box thinking. Cuny disappeared several years ago while on mission in Kosovo. The following principles are taken from a book which he authored called “Famine, Conflict and Response, A Basic Guide.”
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