Tag Archive for ‘slavery’

United Nations days: do they make a difference?
The learned leaders of the United Nations have not done us a great favor with their habit of designating commemorative dates that, although meaningful, tend to highlight the weakness of the world body rather than its strength and potential.

Darwin, Lincoln and…Haiti?
Was there a relationship between Lincoln and Darwin? In the 19th century, both the scientist and the anti-slavery president were near-mythical figures. With the theory of evolution and the Civil War, each touched off a revolution that changed the world. Coincidentally (but do coincidences exist?) they shared a birthday. What is the Haitian connection?

Vote Against Slavery in Our Time
762 people have signed on the petition urging an end to slavery in Haiti. Some petitioners have left pointed comments for the decision-makers and policymakers that the the petition targets. Eliminating childhood slavery can be done within five years and in our lifetime Haiti can be fixed for the better.

Coming to terms with child slavery in Haiti
the restavèk system is so deeply rooted in Haitian customs that most Haitians either do not or refuse to identify it for what it is: child slavery. And when they are confronted with the facts, they tend to initially deny it. Redemption begins with neither denying nor hiding the truth.

Restavèk: Slavery No Matter How You Slice It
Today in Haiti, at least one in ten children does everything for free – getting up long before dawn, going to bed (on the floor) long after dark, doing all of the work of the house in the hours in between. In the case of the restavèk system, the main reason the child is in the home is to work. It is not for the sake of the child; it is for the sake of the child’s masters

Free the Child, Emancipate the Mind
Sign a petition addressed to the Haitian authorities and their international allies and calling for the elimination of child slavery in Haiti for good.

Let’s Really Put a Stop to Child Slavery in Haiti!
Modern-day child slavery reigns supreme in Haiti where slaves successfully broke their chains and established an independent republic freed of French colonialism and declared themselves the equals of all men regardless of race, or color. The time has come to eliminate the restavek system as child slavery is known in Haiti.

Haiti: Still No End to Act III
Fourteen days from today, Haitians will be commemorating the 93rd anniversary of the landing by American marines in Haiti ostensibly to restore order. The marines quickly took control of the affairs of the country, staying 19 years to remake Haiti in their own image. They left in 1934, after President Franklin Delano Roosevelt decided that… Read More ›
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